우리의 캠 샤프트는 냉장 주철로 제작되어 있으며, 차가운 주철은 탁월한 내마모성을 제공합니다. 캠 샤프트가 지속적으로 밸브를 작동 시키므로 상당한 마찰을 견뎌냅니다. The inherent hardness and toughness of chilled cast iron ensure minimal wear over an extended lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements and maintenance. Our polishing surface treatment further enhances the performance of the camshaft.This leads to smoother operation, translating into less energy loss and quieter engine running.
Our manufacturing process ensures the highest quality and performance.The production process begins with meticulous design and material selection. 생산 공정 전반에 걸쳐 엄격한 품질 보증 조치가 구현됩니다. Dimensional inspection, surface finish analysis, and functional testing are conducted at each stage to ensure that the camshaft conforms to the design specifications and performs flawlessly under real-world conditions.With our advanced manufacturing process and strict production requirements, we are committed to providing camshafts of the highest quality to meet the diverse needs of our customers.